When you are connected to the Web and have the appropriate privileges from your ISP you can use the telnet command log on to your ISP and work as an ordinary user on that machine. If the ISP has the program pine installed you can use it to check your mail. Suppose, for example, that you have a CHASS account. Log into CHASS using the command
/# telnet chass.utoronto.ca
and reply to the prompts with your username and password. To read your mail, enter at the % command prompt the word pine:
/homes/username % pine
It will be obvious how to proceed from the options on the screen and the help menu along the bottom of it. If you are a University of Toronto student or faculty member and have
a UTORDIAL account you can read mail you receive at that address by executing the command
/# telnet log.agent.utoronto.ca and responding to the login prompt with the relevant digits of your library card and typing your password when asked. Then select the option ‘1. UTORmail via Pine’ by pressing the ‘1’ key but do not press ENTER. You will be asked to enter your password a second time. After that you use pine in the same way as in the CHASS account.
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