marketing information is wealth: Types of servers in XFree86

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Types of servers in XFree86

Type of server | Name
Color SVGA server | XF86_SVGA
16-color (S)VGA server | XF86_VGA16.
Monochrome server | XF86_Mono
S3 accelerated server | XF86_S3
8514/A accelerated server | XF86_8514
AGX support | XF86_AGX
Mach8 accelerated server | XF86_Mach8
Mach32 accelerated server | XF86_Mach32
Mach64 accelerated server | XF86_Mach64
ET4000/W32 accelerated server | XF86_W32

The flag (-r) for the gzip command tells it to recursively create all names and paths for the files in the tar file. The -c option will send the contents out to the standard output from
where it will be piped to the tar command. The flags for the tar command tell tar to extract (x), be verbose (v), all files while preserving original ownership (o), from the file , designated by
the standard input (-).

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